Community Outreach
Community Easter Celebration - He Sent His Son: The Living Christ
Invite your family, friends & neighbors to this community event

Mellanie Burris, Stake Activites Co-Chair (Oak Grove Ward)

Join us as we celebrate the life and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ through moving displays, food and
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Liberty, Missouri Stake will be celebrating “He Sent His Son – The Living Christ.” This community Easter celebration is open to everyone, so please invite your friends and neighbors. This event will be on Saturday, April 19, 2025, beginning at 6:00 PM, at the Church near the Kansas City Temple.
There will be rooms set up with displays depicting the life of Jesus Christ, His birth, His teachings, His miracles, His last days, and His resurrection. There will be banners with explanations of how Christ lived his perfect life. At the end of the tour, there will be refreshments.
Beginning at about 7:15 PM, there will be a special musical program celebrating Christ’s life through music. There will be various groups, soloists, instrumentalists, and congregation participation. The past year, proved to be enjoyable for all. We expect this year to be the same.
Come celebrate the life of the Savior of all mankind! He is the one that set us free! He Lives and because He Lives, we too can live forever!