Community Outreach

Norma King, Director of Media (Rush Creek Ward)
Spiritual touchstones are those experiences in our lives that bring us light and let us know that God is aware of us and loves us. By recalling those memories during dark or troubling times we can feel His love again and bring light into the darkness. Here are some touchstone memories shared by members of Liberty Stake.

Lynette Morrill (Doniphan Ward)
Many years ago I had what you call my own touchstone experience. I was an 11-year-old who had recently lost her dad to a heart attack.
That night I called out to Heavenly Father to give me a sign that my dad still existed and I would see him again. As I ended my prayer I felt a very real feeling of an arm being placed around me.
I have thought many times about that night and how God led the way and showed me he loved me.
David Garrett (YSA Ward)
During a difficult time on my mission in Knoxville TN, we had a dinner with a very faithful brother who had recently moved into the ward. While we spoke, he jokingly asked us if we could start teaching a 40-48 year old man with kids just about to move out of the house.
Although he was joking, he genuinely was lonely, and felt socially unfulfilled, as everyone in the ward was in a very different stage of life than him, leaving him without peers. I felt prompted that if he prayed specifically that a 40-48 year old man matching his description would move in, that it would happen, and we challenged him to do so.
Less than a week later, a man in exactly that demographic moved into the area, from the same small town in Oregon that this brother was from! That man came to church the next Sunday, and we started teaching him.
Teaching him was also a great lifting to my spirits, and I was amazed at how the Lord had worked through me to ease someone’s burden. When my burden becomes heavy again like it was at that time, I remember that the Lord blesses us in every detail.

Kaylee Stockton (North Kansas City)
Sometimes it can be hard for me to feel God’s love, especially if I’m having a difficult time in my life, and I struggle to pray. When I’m in that period of time it’s easier to go about my life and try to keep my head above water instead of turning to God like I should, but I’m working on it.
When I first joined the church someone told me “You don’t have to be praying for God to hear you, and answer you” and for me, it couldn’t be more true. In the hard times I will think heavily on if something is right, if it’s something that I should be doing, and trying to figure out what to do, I always seem to get my answer. It’s when that happens, when he’s answering me in moments that I’m not turning to him, that I know that he is there, listening, helping me, and loves me.
My everyday reminders are the friends and families he’s put in my life that have helped me get to where I am, and I’m so thankful for all of them.
Phyllis Senzee (Kellybrook Ward)
The night my husband died I came home and family was there with me for a while then everyone left.
I had always been afraid to be home alone at night and when I went to lay down I was petrified with fear.
So I prayed that I would not be afraid and immediately the fear left. I knew that Heavenly Father and our Savior were there and they loved me because they were the only ones that could have answered my prayers.
It is something I will always remember. That fear has never returned and I lived alone for a long time.

David Cook (Tiffany Springs Ward)
My touchstone moment arrived in the MTC, one year after my baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. After sister missionaries introduced me to the restored gospel, and despite family rejection for joining the church, I yearned for deeper confirmation. Pleading for guidance, I received a powerful, undeniable spiritual witness. This heavenly experience anchored my faith, revealing the incomparable blessings awaiting me, making any sacrifice seem insignificant compared to the eternal joy promised.