Two Platte City Wards Assigned to Liberty Stake

Tiffany Springs and Platte Woods Wards; Smithville Affected

Lori Garcia, Stake Communications Director (Hodge Park Ward)

Map showing the new boundaries between the Tiffant Springs Ward and the Smithville Lake Ward. Those affected live south of Highway 92 and west of Highway 169.

A special meeting was held Sunday, February 2, 2025, to make adjustments between the Liberty and Platte City Missouri Stakes. The Tiffany Springs Ward and Platte Woods Wards were transferred from the Platte City Stake to the Liberty Stake. Some members of the Smithville Lake Ward were also reassigned to the Tiffany Springs Ward. Those affected live south of Highway 92 and west of Highway 169. The Platte Woods and Tiffany Springs Wards will continue to meet in the same building at the same times.

While there have been changes to ward and stake boundaries, there will be no changes to current teachers or classes. Youth attending seminary are invited to continue participating in seminary classes where they have been attending for the rest of the school year.

For those in the Platte Woods Ward, being transferred to the Liberty Stake is nothing new. In recent years, the Platte Woods Ward was moved from the Liberty to the Platte City Stake.

These changes, while can be hard to understand, stake leaders encourage members to have faith in the Lord’s timing. President Shane Smeed, Platte City Missouri Stake President, talked about seeking the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.

“My good friends, I have been praying that the spirit of revelation will come upon us in this meeting,” Pres Smeed said. “Even if not immediately, those answers will come.”

President Michael Beach, president of the Liberty Missouri Stake, welcomed those members to the Liberty Missouri Stake.

“We are grateful for you,” Pres. Beach said. “This is a wonderful  and beautiful opportunity for personal growth and to serve, to bless the lives of others.”

President Beach likened changing ward and stake boundaries to a popular Book of Mormon parable.

“It’s almost like our own little allegory of the olive tree, where we prune and transplant. It’s a way to grow in our various wards that we are called to attend.”

“This is chapter one,” Pres. Smeed said. “Look forward to chapter two.”