How I #HearHim: Pres. Rudi Garcia


How I #HearHim: Pres. Rudi Garcia

How does President Garcia #HearHim? Watch the video or continue reading to learn more.


How I #HearHim: Pres. Rudi Garcia

Growing up a member of another faith, I don’t remember ever having spiritual experiences. We were Christmas and Easter church goers. When we did attend I didn’t understand what was happening and half the time I didn’t understand what was being said.

During my religious classes I was taught about my faith and my church but I can’t remember a time when I felt the spirit

The first time I can remember feeling the spirit and hearing the Savior talk to me was during a Religious retreat in the early 90’s. One evening they had us all sit on the floor in a room with the lights dimmed. Over the speakers we heard actors re-enacting the last week of the Savior’s birth. I can remember so clearly and distinctly the portrayal of the crucifixion. Each time the hammer hit the nail I became more and more emotional. When it was finished, I was sobbing uncontrollably. I was overwhelmed by the Spirit. In that moment I felt like I knew my Savior and I loved Him more than I ever did. I sobbed because of the pain he endured and I sobbed because he did that for me. I could almost hear Him telling me, “I did this for you”.

In the days following that experience, I was a changed young man. I loved everyone. I was happy. I tried hard to do what was right. I would even tell my class mates that I loved them. Which they all thought was weird!

The tragic thing is I was not taught how to continue to have those feelings nor was I taught how to continue to stay close to the Lord. Not long after, I went back to my old ways.

Then in February of 1994 I found and joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and my life has never been the same since.

I have learned how to Hear the Lord speak to me and I know what I have to do to know the Savior’s will for me.

I have learned over the years that the Savior speaks to me, and I am closest to Him as I go through my struggles and trials. Through each and every difficult experience, I have developed a stronger and closer relationship with Him. I might even say I have developed a friendship with Him. I have had many hard trials and many difficult experiences. In 2017 I started the year with food poisoning while on a business trip to California which has affected me every since. Later that year I had a dvt and pulmonary embolism which has resulted in me having to take blood thinners the rest of my life. These and many other experiences in my life have caused me to call upon the lord for help. It’s in those quiet moments of reflection and prayer that I Hear him speak to my soul. He teaches me that everything is going to work out because this is His will and He will remain with me no matter what I’m going through.

I hear the savior through my scripture study. I recently was reading in the Book of Mormon In Helaman Chapter 5. As I read the account of Lehi and Nephi and their struggles in the dark prison and then read about the spiritual manifestation they received after enduring their struggles, I was moved to tears. I had never had an experience like that before as I studied the scriptures. The Lord spoke to my soul saying, “Turn and Look” to Him. My testimony of the Savior and His love for me was strengthened that day.

I am so grateful for my trials and I am so grateful for the scriptures because they give me the sacred privilege of hearing the Lord speak to me. As a result of my experiences of hearing Him, I am steadfast and immovable in my faith and in my testimony.
